Preferred: Lon (call him Alonso and he'll smack you)

Also Known As: Loney

Approximate Age: 24

Sex: Male

Height: 6'0"

Hair Color: Light Brown

Eye Color: Dark Green

Family: A touchy subject. He won't talk about it.

Favorite Color: Yellow

Favorite Food: Anything

Hobbies: Reading textbooks, watching television (although he'll only watch educational programs), playing chess, cooking


    Whenever the subject of his past comes up Lon shuts down completely. All anyone has been able to piece together is that something happened to his mother and sister, and that event caused him to leave his father and two brothers behind and start a new life when he was 12 years old. &He was very successful in school but never opened up to anyone. He likes quiet and prefers to be alone.
    He spends a lot of his time reading and studying, some for what he calls "his work" and some for the desire to find a cure for Kazuki's "condition" which bothers him because of his fear of tentacles, which is a fear that Lon can't really explain to anyone: "because they're CREEPY" is his usual response.


    When it comes to Kazuki, his relationship varies by the day. Lon is very much in love with Kazuki, but has a hard time admitting to these feelings. The reason why is a good question - but more than likely it stems from his fallout with his family and his reluctance to let people into his life intimately. He'll let Kazuki do things like lay on his lap while he's reading, but if, say, Nin were to walk in the room he would jump up and go shut himself in a room alone. Kazuki won't let this stand in his way and continues to pursue Lon.
    Lon does want very badly to help Kazuki in finding his past and curing his "condition", and works towards these things everyday. He tries to educate Kazuki not only in book smarts but also in social standards.

     Lon finds Nin as mostly an annoyance, but doesn't really have the heart to make him leave. Nin often gets the brunt of Lon's anger, as Nin likes to tear things apart to look for whatever it is he's looking for, and Lon insists on things being organized and tidy. Lon doesn't think that Nin will ever open up, and that someday they'll wake up and he'll be gone.
    He does, however, help Kazuki at times in taking care of Nin: when he gets into things that leave him dirty, Lon will help clean him up. If he is reaching for something he can't get to, Lon will get it down for him. But he always does these things silently, and then goes on about his business.


    - Lon constantly chews on straws, and there is just about always one in his mouth or behind his ear.

    - He has a scar on his cheek right below his left eye. He won't tell anyone how he got it.

    - Once Kazuki had his hair cut to look more like his, Lon started tying his hair back constantly.

    - Lon used to wear glasses all the time, but now wears contacts more often.

    - The only thing Lon doesn't like about himself is that he is VERY klutzy.

    - Lon often looks bored, and very rarely does he smile.

    - Lon was named after my kitty, Alonzo, and Lon Chaney (whose full name was Alonso), and the color scheme also comes from my kitty.

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Squid Rings and Sushi Rice is created and maintained by Jeanette "Kayjay" Bretz and is hosted on Keenspace, a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics.