Also Known As: Kinky-J, Jenn

Approximate Age: 19

Sex: Female

Height: 5'-3"

Hair Color: Blue

Eye Color: Light Blue

Family: A live-in boifriend, three cats, two birds, two frogs, three snails, three rats, a turdle, and a fish.

Favorite Color: Any shade of blue except for default link blue

Favorite Food: Potatoes, just about any way

Hobbies: Collecting squids and octopi, Star Wars, eBay, internetting, and apparently drawing silly comics


    Kayjay is your faithful comic artist. She is the brilliant mind behind SR^2.

    She lives in Tampa, Florida, in her own apartment with her boi and her numerous animals as mentioned above. she can be found all over the internet, usually causing meyham along the way.

    Very rarely will she appear in the comic, but does appear in random arts based on the comic.

Click on a character icon below to learn all about the cast of SR^2.

other characters coming soon

Squid Rings and Sushi Rice is created and maintained by Jeanette "Kayjay" Bretz and is hosted on Keenspace, a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics.